If I were to rewrite the Warhammer Fantasy universe, I'd combine all the human kingdoms into one and make dwarfs part of their army combine the Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings have only Dark Elves as the corrupted version of the once-brilliant elves probably remove the Lizardmen altogether have the Orcs be slaves of the Beastmen or the other way around. There's no reason for stuff like Bretonnia, the Vampire Coast, the Lizardmen, Dwarfs, and High/Wood elves to even exist. The only Tomb King with a smidge of personality is Arkhan the Black. Helman Ghorst and Heinrich Kemmler are the creepy undead devotees I want to see more of. They are so painfully generic with very few exceptions. You'd think I'd be all over the Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts, but I actually think they couldn't have done a worse job with them. are very boring imo and dilute the atmosphere. Fantasy France, Egypt, Russia, China, etc. While there are other ok-ish races like the Skaven, Dark Elves, and Orcs, they aren't as strong as that core premise. If I were to make a Warhammer Fantasy RPG, the protagonists would be either a group of inquisitors hunting down chaos corruption or a group of chaos cultists trying to corrupt whatever. I think Warhammer Fantasy is at its best when it's empire humans vs chaos forces.