SMI is proudly based in the Tri-state area with international distributors in all major markets. When it comes to Android, you should have an android operating system of at least 4.1 or above to download this Application. Also, it supports all the latest Windows operating system versions, including Windows 10 and 8. SMI currently holds multiple US clinical clearances on synergistic technologies. If you are using a Windows PC, you can download the MegaSync Application in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. SMI is also diversified to distribute synergistic technologies and provides services in image analysis, modeling,consumer product human factors, as well as defense and space applications. While ongoing HD-tDCS and LTE-tDCS trials use investigational devices that are regulated/limited by US or Federal law, SMI has secured multiple clinical approvals worldwide (EU-CE Canada-Health Canada Brazil-Anvisa Australia-TGA, etc.). You will receive a link to create a new password via email. From the most targeted non-invasive clinical systems to the most portable units, Soterix Medical provides clinicians and patients with unique and adaptable solutions. wpemsprintnotices() > Please enter your username or email address. SMI has licensed and developed a comprehensive intellectual property portfolio that includes High-Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS), Limited Total Energy tDCS (LTE-tDCS), and Neurotargeting. Mega-Plex Taschereau 18 (IMAX) Mega-Plex March Central 18 (IMAX) Mega-Plex Pont-Viau 16 (IMAX) Mega-Plex Lacordaire 16 Mega-Plex Jacques-Cartier 14.

Founded in 2008, SMI is the world leader in clinical trials for non-invasive neuromodulation working with over 850 medical centers in the US and worldwide. (SMI) was formed to develop and deploy innovative medical treatments focused on neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders and rehabilitation.